I've been asked to write the final week of studies for Word on the Web. A project that sends daily Bible reflections free by email. The invitation is a bitter sweet one as I set up the project 8 years ago when I worked for Church Army. At the time we were just about the only people offering this service and lots of people thought we were mad to even try. Today the situation is different and a number of projects and ministries provide a similar service.
After I left the project it had a couple of other editors who have combined keeping the project on the road with their other duties. I don't think I'm being unfair if I say that they never really had the time to keep the project developing as it might have deserved, and so it has really marked time rather than renewed its self since it began.
What amazes me is that despite this over 6,000 people still receive the emails every day. Of course not all of them read it every day, but many do. It was always a simple idea, that carried a simple (but I hope never simplistic) message.
A number of people have asked me what a feel about the closure of word on the web...I'm thinking about how to respond to the question, as this morning I'm not quite sure.
Unexpected Signs of Life.
1 day ago
Just wanted to say a huge Thank You for word on the web, it has been my main source of Bible notes for many years, providing much that was thought-provoking, challenging, comforting....all these and more. Many times the notes have seemed particularly relevant to events in my own life as a busy working mum, and I will miss them SO much. Thank you again, and may God bless whatever path life leads you in the future x
I echo all that Karen has said. Many thanks to the whole team for the hard work over the last 10 years. Wordlive is not the same, I LIKE the simplicity of word on the web, but i will move with the times and take your suggestion of moving to the new notes. Word on the web was as alive as it was in its conception, and I will certainly miss it. Thank you all.
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